A capital guaranteed Islamic term deposit based on Murabahah and Tawaruq concept that allows you the flexibility to manage funds according to your short or long-term deposit needs


  • Initial deposit of RM5,000 for one (1) month and RM1,000 for two (2) months and above.
  • Initial deposit of RM100,000 per receipt for odd tenures.
  • Attractive fixed and pre-determined returns.
  • No maximum limit on deposit amount.
  • Access banking services via any Public Bank/Public Islamic Bank branches and ATM or for your easy access via PBe/PB Engage service.

Protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor.

  • Individuals: Personal aged 18 years old and above (resident/non-resident) or joint account, sole-proprietor, partnership or limited liability partnership account.
  • Non-individuals: Societies, Associations, Clubs, government agencies and business entities